We’re just truckin’ along now…

Walk this way

And looking adorably chic as we go.

fine ass mother fucker

So here it is – one pack of cigarettes later – the final regular chapter of BotB. All that’s left now is the epilogue and then the prologue/outtake.

And then I can get back to the other umpteen WIP’s I have waiting in the wings.

Eric uhh

Uh huh.

Help me Jesus

 That’s pretty much how I feel about it too.

Anywho, here ya go.

Battle of the Badges – 10 – So Fine

This post is brought to you by the letter ‘S’…

‘S’ as in Squirrely Girl.


But this is not Squirrely Girl.

This is Pseudo-Squirrely Girl, but the ‘p’ is silent in ‘pseudo’, so it still counts.

However the ‘S’ in this instance stands for something else.

S is for Stabby

‘Cuz damn…

Stab Eric in the back and suddenly everyone’s all in a tither.

Bob was kidnapped and everything!

So it’s a good thing I had a backup bunny at my disposal and he also fits into my ‘S’ themed post.


‘S’ as in the sleepy sidekick to my just as sleepy Shih Tzu.

And they just so happened to form the letter ‘S’ when side by side sleeping too, so my OCD is at peace.

Go me!

But I suppose, ‘S’ could also stand for something else.


sorry rude sorry

Sorry Sookie

sorry pam

 But I don’t know why everyone was so worried. This is the land of Skarsicorns, so you all should know I would never irreparably harm the Viking.

Anywho, there’s only one more chapter of this one left – because a nice round number like 10 makes my OCD dance a little jig – and then the epilogue.

And then the prologue, which I’ll post as an outtake.

I’m stupid like that.

But ‘stupid’ also begins with an ‘S’, so I’m perfectly fine with that.

The outtake is already more than halfway written and goes back to the very beginning, telling where, when, and how this Sookie and Eric first met.

Ryan Gosling is involved.

That’s all I’m gonna say.

And now that I’ve said way more than anyone’s even reading, since most of you probably bypassed this whole post and just clicked on the link for the next chapter, I’ll just end it here. 🙂

ciao bitches

Battle of the Badges – 9 – Don’t Cry

Have I mentioned Bob?

Bob is my adopted Baby Outdoor Bunny.


He/she has been coming around for the last few weeks and now that I’ve been leaving out piles of blueberries, baby carrots, salad, and bunny chow for him/her, I don’t think he/she will be leaving any time soon.

And I’m perfectly fine with that.

So please, bask in the adorable baby bunny-ness and fill up on the warm fuzzies.

You might need it for the next chapter. The title alone should give you a clue.

should've seen that one coming

Or heartburn.


Get it?


‘Cause Eric’s a fireman and…

soulless bitch


Alright already. I get it. You’re not amused. You don’t have to chop my head off.

Pull your shit together

Geez…what a bunch of hotheads.

Get it?

Hot hea…


Never mind.


Peace out

Battle of the Badges – 8 – Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Things I’ve severely underestimated since my last post…

The amount of times Boo Bear can drop the F-bomb in front of his grandma, without her even noticing, having cemented his “favorite grandchild” status nearly 20 years earlier.


The amount of times I can smack Boo Bear when his grandma isn’t looking.


The amount of crap Boo Bear had to take back to school with him until I was bumped from the trip by a footlocker.


The amount of words my mother can fit into a 30 minute car ride to her doctors appointment and how fast I’m willing to drive to shorten that 30 minute ride.

Mother who's a drag

The proper amount of hairspray to humidity ratio so that I don’t end up looking like I stuck my finger in a light socket by the time I get to work.


And the amount of baby squirrel snuggles I had left in me until co-worker/fellow squirrel raiser brought this little fella into the office today.


So even though I published the next chapter hours ago, I’ve been too busy playing peekaboo, with a baby squirrel hiding in my hair, to let you know about it.

Thank god the humidity took all of that hairspray outta my hair.

But I lurve him.

A lot.

Battle of the Badges – 7 – Civil War