Chapter 1 – Lego House


“I think that’s all of it.”

The sound of his voice drew my eyes upward where they met Sam’s staring back at me. It was probably the first time I’d really looked at him at all in days.



“I’m sorry Sam,” I whispered with tears filling my eyes. My near constant weepy state lately made me surprised I had any left to shed.

“Chere,” he offered softly and took a hesitant step in my direction before stopping himself. It was symbolic of our entire nearly yearlong relationship.

Hesitant and stopping before either one of us could make any sort of real connection.

“You know I’ll always love you, right?” he asked.

I nodded because I did know. I knew it from his thoughts. Just like I knew I would always love him in exactly the same way.

As my friend.

We tried. God knows we tried to put everything behind us. Tried to build on our friendship hoping it would turn into something more. Something that would flourish into the kind of life we both wanted. A normal life filled with love and laughter and happily ever afters. A life worth fighting for.

Now it was a struggle just to maintain eye contact.

“I’ll always love you too Sam.”

And as true as it was, I knew now it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t the kind of love that evoked passion. The kind others would look at and say, “Theirs is a love for the ages.” The kind that would be able to stand the test of time.

It barely withstood the last eleven months.

He gave me a small sad smile, mirroring my own, before turning and leaving the house. And I knew it was for good this time. But instead of mourning our failed relationship, the finality of it only served to remind me of someone else who’d left my life for good. Someone whose presence would probably be with me forever. No matter how many miles were between us or how hard I tried to forget him.

I could blame Eric for coming between me and Sam. Lord knew I’d been prone to blaming him for a lot. He was the one to add on his ridiculously highhanded caveat of only giving Sam the money to bail me out of jail if he would never romantically pursue me. And as much as I hated to admit it, it probably had a lot to do with why Sam and I gotten together. I’d had more than enough of him deciding my life for me and I would be damned if he got any say in it when he was no longer a part of it.

At least that was how I used to feel.

Now I just felt like a fool.

I’d never realized just how much I’d blamed Eric for nearly everything. The bond. The marriage. Him seemingly keeping me in the dark at every turn and allowing me to be blindsided in return. It made me angry and distrustful. Nearly every man in my life had disappointed me in some way or another. My father died when I was too young to have ever gotten to really know him. My uncle physically molested me and raped me mentally with his thoughts. And Bill, well…

I didn’t need to go there again.

But Bill, Alcide, and Quinn…they all had ulterior motives when it came to being with me. And if I was being honest with myself, so did Eric.

But if I was being honest with myself, then I had to admit I had them too.

I’d had a choice to form our blood bond. Granted, it wasn’t a great choice, but a choice nonetheless and I’d chosen Eric over Andre. Not only because of the safety I knew he would provide or our complicated – if not amorous – past, but because I knew being bonded to Andre would be the things nightmares were made of. Our marriage by knife in hindsight is what kept me out of Felipe’s clutches. If anything, I only became even more of a liability for Eric. Something he would’ve known at the time and yet he’d gone through with it anyway. My undoubtedly stubborn refusal would’ve been my downfall had he told me beforehand.

Something he also would’ve known.

But I’d been so suspicious. Always dismissing every good deed and scrutinizing Eric to the Nth degree expecting him to disappoint me as well. And he had – at times – done that all on his own. But not once did I ever take a good hard look into my own self-righteous mirror. Not once did I ever scrutinize myself or my own actions – or non-actions as the case may be – because if I had, I would’ve seen my own numerous flaws. Maybe even in time to do something about it.

Instead of now. When it was too late.

Looking back Eric wasn’t the only one to keep me in the dark. I’d done a pretty good job of doing that myself all but shoving my head into the sand and shouting I didn’t want to know. He tried coming to me the night before our divorce. And as I was also prone to do, I’d sent him away. Again. I can only assume he meant to warn me of what was to come. He had warned me by telling me no matter what happened in public I shouldn’t doubt that he loved me and cared for me.

But I couldn’t hear him with my ears so full of sand.

So of course I ignored every word and I let my doubt and humiliation color everything else. Doubted he ever loved me at all because I had the nerve to be surprised by our very public and humiliating divorce.

I didn’t need a Word-A-Day calendar.

What I needed was a Crow-A-Day dinner. Lord knew I’d eaten enough of it over the last eleven months.

And suddenly feeling full from my hubris, I felt the need to walk it off. Alone.

Like I would be for the rest of my life.

Even now that Sam had moved out, I didn’t feel any lonelier than I had when he’d still been living with me. Granted, he’d only been gone for less than an hour, but it had been almost a year since I’d felt the kind of contentment that came from being in the presence of another. And I wasn’t allowed to even enter the state said other now resided in under penalty of death, but again.

That was my own fault.

Not because I’d allowed my hurt and blind rage to automatically scoff at Eric’s request that I join him there as his mistress. But because I’d been too blinded by my own naiveté to realize I’d had the answer to our problems in the palm of my hand all along.

The Cluviel Dor.

And while Eric shouldered some of the blame for not explaining to me in detail that he literally couldn’t refuse to marry Freyda, it was my fault as well for blanketing supernatural politics in my human ideals.

Scratch that.

My American ideals.

I knew good and well there were still some parts of the world where the bride and groom don’t get a choice in who they marry. Sadly it’s just the way their world works. And by not seeing that possibility in the supernatural world I’d come to see for myself was steeped in ancient traditions, I’d been the one to seal our fate by allowing my panic to overrule common sense.

My alarm at seeing Sam die made me react without thought in using the Cluviel Dor on him. It was a trait I’d come to recognize was a serious flaw I needed to work on. And while my heart hurt even now at the thought of him dying, logically it would’ve been something I would be forced to deal with at some point in time even if he had been the great love of my life.

But by using it to save Sam, I’d simultaneously condemned the great love of my life to 200 years of servitude.

I’d been walking blindly, lost in thought, and only knew I’d collapsed to the ground when I felt the wet grass hit my forehead. My only thoughts were of Eric. Of the horrible life I knew Appius had forced him to live and now I had to live with the bitter knowledge I was no better.

I cried for what we had lost. I cried for subjecting Eric to 200 years of slavery. I cried for the hopelessness and helplessness of it all.

I don’t know how long I lay there. Time no longer held any meaning for me once the realization hit me that I would run out of it long before Eric would be freed. So when I felt the void closing in on me I didn’t bother to look up. While I couldn’t bring myself to pray for my own death, I couldn’t deny I was certainly due for a karmic kick in the ass. So I didn’t struggle at all when I felt their arms wrap around my body and lift me up from the ground. They did so gently, but I still didn’t look to see who it was.

Bill, maybe.

I didn’t care. They weren’t allowed to harm me. To feed from me.

I didn’t care about that either.

I felt the familiar and worn cushion of the porch swing when I was placed on it and then the weight of someone else sit beside me. But still I didn’t look. I didn’t want to. I didn’t need to.

I already knew it wouldn’t be the vampire I wanted to see more than anyone else.

But even now, I couldn’t be rude. It was so ingrained in me that it didn’t take much for me to straighten my spine and try to put on a gracious face when I finally glanced over to my side. I’d been expecting my guest to be Bill, so I was surprised to see Eric’s first child, Karin instead.

We hadn’t talked since she’d come to summon me to Fangtasia for Vamp Divorce Court, but I knew she’d been tasked with watching me for the year following it. I’d felt her presence in the woods surrounding my house every night since then, but I hadn’t ever come out to talk to her. Unfairly, I had put some of the blame on her shoulders for my humiliation that night.

That whole ‘Don’t kill the messenger’ phrase was born for a reason.

“It is not my place,” she began. “But I could not allow you to remain on the ground, knowing my master holds you up much higher than that. That – in and of itself – is a miracle I never thought I would see.”

Her soft laughter and gentle smile – just like her kind words – were unexpected. The added tears filling my eyes were not, so I quickly wiped them away and tried to smile in return when the dam broke all over again. The tears streamed down my face and my throat tightened while I tried to choke out the words spilling straight out of my heart to the closest thing to Eric as I could get, crying out, “I’m sorry. For everything. I’m sorry you’ve been forced to spend night after night in my woods. I’m sorry I’ve never once come out to try and talk to you. I’m sorry that my own selfishness and stupidity has cost you the company of your maker for the next one hundred and ninety-nine years. I’m just so sorry.”

My sobs took control of my body by then, so I doubled over, crying for everything that had been lost.

She sat silently at my side and let it run its course, but when I calmed down some, she asked, “The shifter has moved out?”

“Yes.” While I was sorry for what my actions had inadvertently cost her, I didn’t know her well enough to want to elaborate. There wasn’t much to tell anyway. Eric might as well have been physically standing in between me and Sam all along. And it broke my heart even further to realize Sam could be interchanged with anyone.

Eric would always be in their way.

I really would spend the rest of my life alone.

I had once thought I would be okay with that. And maybe I would have been had I never met Bill. Back when I didn’t know what it was like to be with someone and not have to use my shields. Even Sam had to concentrate on not letting me hear him and we’d learned over the last eleven months, it wasn’t so easily done when we spent so much time together.

It was how I knew I didn’t compare to Jannalyn in bed.

But that was okay too. He didn’t come close to Eric’s skills.

And the fact I could slough off the unintended insult so easily told me Sam and I weren’t meant to be together. But my irrational jealousy over thoughts of what – or who – Eric was doing on any given night told me who held my heart.

Who would always hold my heart.

Since I hadn’t said anything else, Karin moved the conversation along by saying, “You know I only have four weeks left of watching you. When my time here is done you shouldn’t be out after dark alone. You will still be protected by royal decree, but sometimes that is not enough.” Catching my eye and staring hard enough I almost expected to feel the push of her glamour when she added, “Sometimes a royal decree means nothing.


I had the sneaking suspicion she was talking about more than the tasty Sookie-treat I would be to other vampires with less – or no – scruples.

“It doesn’t?” I asked, hoping my naiveté could work for me for once.

In my experience, vampires weren’t a chatty bunch when it came to their secret handshakes or whatever. And given the arch of her brow, I could totally see the resemblance she had to her sister Pam.


I swear. Sometimes it was like pulling fangs to get them to answer a question.

Deciding to spell it out for her in the hopes she would spell it out for me, I said, “You’re going to have to spell it out for me. My inability to decipher anything on my own and y’alls cryptic rigmarole is why you can’t see Eric for the next two centuries.”

And why I’ll never lay eyes on him ever again.

She was definitely Eric’s child because instead of answering, she had her own agenda and asked, “Why are you no longer with the shifter?”

My guff was up at her personal question, but I was too tired to put up much of an outward fuss and took the easier road by explaining, “It just wasn’t working. I tried. We tried. We acted the part and tried to put all of the pieces together to make them fit. But without a strong foundation to anchor it all together, it just blew over like a house of cards.”

Saying it all out loud made me realize I’d done the same thing with Eric. I kept trying to force him to fit into the role of a human boyfriend. Thinking and acting in a way that a human would, while railing about my own humanity at every opportunity whenever he would try to explain to me how his world worked and my place in it.

And so now I sat alone. A pot without my kettle.

“You do not love him?” she asked.

Gah…did she follow Dear Abby too?

It made me realize I missed Pam.

“I do,” I huffed. “I just…I love him like I always have. Like a friend.”

“And my master?” she prodded. “How do you feel about him?”

“Does it matter?” I snapped, once again unfairly taking my frustration out on her. Realizing that, I dialed it back a notch and answered my own question saying, “It doesn’t matter. None of it matters.”

“Does my presence here not matter?” she asked. “That my master would negotiate your protection to ensure you remain safe when he can no longer be here to see to it himself?”

My heart clenched again. After the way I had treated him and after everything I’d done – or didn’t do – I couldn’t hold it against him, but I explained, “Pam told me not to get sentimental about everything Eric did. The protection measures. None of it. She said it was his way of showing Freyda he is loyal and protects his own.”

Ass. He protects his own ass by protecting my ungrateful one in the process.

Alright. So maybe I held it against him just a little.

She stared back at me with a knowing look and mocked, “Pam told me you are a passionate creature. You allow your heart to overrule your head. You act without thinking regardless of the dangers present.”

“And the sky is blue,” I snarked back. “What’s your point?”

“My point, you daft girl, is it was Pam’s way of putting her own protective measures in place. You are banned under penalty of death if you step one foot into Oklahoma. Do you not think it odd for Freyda – a Vampire Queen – to be so concerned over a simple human? She has my master by the balls thanks to his abomination for a maker. He is indebted to be her puppet for two hundred years and yet she made it a point to ban you from her state. Why do you think that is?”

“Because she’s a bitch?”

It had been my working theory ever since I’d learned about the whole marriage mess.

Her eyes crinkled in the corners when she smiled, but her face became more serious when she said, “You have power over Eric. Without the power of magic or bond, you have power over my master. Freyda knows this and so she fears you. She knows if you were still in Eric’s life, she would never have complete control of him. That is why she banned you. My sister acted in good faith by telling you the things she did. She knew once your hurt subsided and you calmed down – if you realized Eric did everything he could to make sure you would remain safe for the rest of your days because he still loves you, she worried you might do something crazy.” Catching my eye yet again, she arched her brow and added, “Like trying to rescue Eric.”


“How would I do that?” I asked, even though my mind was already creating impossible scenarios. But the realist in me still added, “That whole death-if-I-enter thing would kind of make any rescue attempt a moot point, wouldn’t it?”

“Did my master not come to you after the divorce and ask you to come with him? There are ways to sneak you in.” Her eyes and voice took on a challenging note as she added, “If you are willing.”

Was I?

Eric did try to come to me the very next night. He’d already been banned from seeing me and looking back now I realized he risked himself yet again because he couldn’t stay away. He couldn’t leave things the way they were. He couldn’t leave me without asking me to go with him and be his secret lover when he knew one (me) if not both of us would be killed if we were caught. I’d thought it was completely selfish of him at the time.

But now I wondered if maybe he had just been that desperate.

“But what if he doesn’t want me?” I whispered out, giving voice to my biggest fear. And because I was still a human with many flaws, I couldn’t stop myself from bitterly adding, “I’m sure he’s moved on by now. Many times.”

“Yes, that could be,” she nodded stoically at my side and then sampled the air around us. “I can see why you would be upset to learn he has moved on a time or two, especially now when you absolutely reek of the scent of celibacy.”


The truth did actually hurt.

And I would bet her and Pam were pretty tight.

“So, what?” I asked, ignoring her truthful jibe.

Just like I would ignore whatever Eric had been up to over the past eleven months if by some miracle we could be together again. But in order to do so, I knew I would have to be the one to make the first move. And I’d have to do it blind. I had no idea if he would want me back even if I could find him a way out of his marriage contract.

What if I managed to move heaven and earth only for him to send me away?

After all, I was still due that karmic ass kicking.

Since she was still waiting for me to give her a hint about my ‘what’, I added, “You think I should just sneak into Oklahoma – where the penalty if I’m caught is death – and somehow manage to find a way to Eric when I have no idea if he even wants to see me? And then what?”

I loved him. God knows I loved him almost more than anything.

But I didn’t love him more than I loved me.

We were very alike like that.

I couldn’t be ‘the other woman’ in his life. I could understand the political nature of their marriage. I could understand him having to put on a dog and pony show in front of the other vamps because I’d done it many times myself.

But there was no way I could lie in bed waiting for him to return to me from another woman’s. Even if it only happened once a year.

I was selfish in all aspects of my life and that was never truer when it came to Eric. I wanted him all to myself and I would take nothing less. It was why I’d had such a hard time seeing him feed from that…that Kym Rowe.

My lips twisted up all on their own so I wouldn’t call her the gardening tool her last name rhymed with.

“You mean as my master did when he came to you the very next night?” she asked. “Knowing how angry and hurt you were. Knowing if he were caught doing so he would be punished severely. And yet he still came to you. He still had hope you wouldn’t refuse him.”

“He said he should’ve just turned me against my will,” I spat back, more angry at myself for not seeing it all before. I’d been too blinded by rage.

And stupidity.

“And yet you still live,” she replied. “He could have commanded either Pam or me to do it. To make you immortal so that you would still exist when his servitude comes to an end. Two hundred years is a very long time, Sookie. Long enough that you might have forgiven him by then.”

She was right. I knew she was right about all of it, but all I could focus on was, ‘Two hundred years is a very long time.’

Eric was stuck for two hundred years. He would have to ask permission before he made any move. He could no longer think for himself or do as he wished whenever he wanted. He’d always had a boss, but this was different. Freyda for all intents and purposes owned Eric now.

What if she didn’t take care of him? What if she broke him?

I had no idea of what her true nature was like. But considering all that Appius had done to Eric and he’d been the one to make the deal with Freyda, it didn’t bode well in my now overactive mind.

Despite his horrific past, Eric had somehow managed to retain a passion for life. Sure, he was deadly. And he could look completely bored sitting on his throne in Fangtasia, but that was just the Eric everyone else got to see.

My Eric laughed. He came with a pocket full of one liners and a twinkle in his eye. He wore pink spandex to an orgy with me. He had my driveway fixed and sent me a coat. Not because I asked him to but because I needed it.

He always knew what I needed.

He danced with me. Cared for me. Loved me.

He even beheaded a vampire or two for me.

But now he was expected to be someone’s lap dog. Now, at least once a year every year, he would be forced by the terms of their contract to…

“How?” I asked. “How do I get to him and how do I get him out of his marriage contract?”

“I only said I can get you into the state unseen,” she shrugged.

“You’re a lot of help,” I snapped sarcastically.

She took a page out of Pam’s book and became interested in her fingernails, saying, “Are you not the one who rescued a vampire being held by the Fellowship? The one who rescued your unfaithful lover and staked his three hundred year old maker? You participated in the Witch War and helped to restore my master’s memory. You found the killer of shifters while you yourself were the target of a vengeful Hot Rain. You singlehandedly thwarted Arkansas’s attempted takeover of Louisiana. Hell, you even somehow managed to rescue both my maker and my sister from an exploding building. Nine floors up. In the middle of the day.” She managed to look both impressed and disgusted as she said, “You are all Pam has been going on about for the last three years, but I must admit, I have yet to see that girl. So tell me Sookie, was it all hype?”

I got your hype right here missy.

And she got my goat up. Honestly, I didn’t know what I wanted more. To hug her or hit her because her words gave me hope and her condescending attitude pissed me off.

I hadn’t felt so alive in almost a year.

“Those are just my greatest hits,” I smiled and it grew seeing one appear on her lips. My confidence grew with it when I added, “And I think it’s about time I started working on my next big hit.”

It would be my epic.

Either my one true masterpiece or my last and final act.

But either or, all of it would be for my Eric.


58 comments on “Chapter 1 – Lego House

  1. jc52185 says:

    Glad it seems your Sookie has at least matured in the last year or so.

    As disappointing as the ending is, I have felt this would be the ending ever since CH didn’t have Eric be the one to rescue Sookie in the Fairy War.

    Also a head’s up as it appears she will be in this story, the queen’s name is Freyda, though if you want to keep calling her Freya as a sort of stick it to you, I’m up for it.

    • kjwrit says:

      See? I know no Frey(d)a. She does not exist in my SVM world. But I like the whole sticking it to her idea. But I also know my OCD won’t allow it so I’ll be going back and editing it right now. Thanks for telling me! 🙂

      • alh1971 says:

        Actually, Freya is too good of a name for the bitch since it is the name of the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, possibly worshipped by Eric in his younger days…

  2. virala says:

    Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes! And thank you 😉

  3. valady1 says:

    I love this, thank you for cleaning up the big pile of poo CH left behind at the end of DEA. And I’m liking Pam’s sister here, she’s got moxie..I cannot wait to find out how Sookie rescues Eric (and I hope they solve that pesky longevity mismatch they have). And I have a theory about Sookie’s fae blood. Her grandfather Fintan was I think about 800 years old when he was killed. He was 1/2 fae. How long might he have lived if not murdered? And that to my Sookie/Eric addled brain means she could certainly live at least several centuries as she is, plus more with the help of Vitamin Eric on a routine basis..(since CH threw out most of the rules she created for the SVM world, I”m choosing to ignore her statement that Sookie would live a normal life span and not be made Vampire)..Okay, now get back to the keyboard, your fans awaits the next brilliant chapter.

    • i couldn’t have said it better alh1971 and valady1. i can’t wait to read the rest of your story. so a big thank you for cleaning up ch’s mess made we can find a way to publish. what should of happend in the book of the one who shall not be named lol

  4. Peachesgo says:

    I was angry how CH wrote by beloved Eric and how Sookie should have fought for him like he has always fought for her. I will never read any of CH future stories and Eric and Sookie will always be my favorite PNR couple thanks for writing this.

  5. Nordiclover says:

    This was awesome more soon….

  6. cros8262 says:

    Yay!!!!! I was hoping, praying, wishing you would try to fix this DEA debacle and give us a story that is true to the characters that I read in 12 books! And you are! Thank you, thank you!!! I can’t wait to see where you take this! Thanks for making Sookie kick ass again. From what I’ve read of these spoilers she lost everything that made her interesting in the series. Thanks again. I’m so excited!

  7. ljhjelm says:

    I love it.

  8. Gianni Sawers says:

    Finally! Someone’s gonna write an epic ending these two deserve! I love you so hard right now!!

  9. duckbutt60 says:

    Ah….after being force fed the shit sandwich that is the unhappy ending in DEA, and being told that most of the books were “filler” ….the entire E/S relationship….and that Sam was the HEA since Book 2, believe me, this is like sliding into a warm bubble bath with a glass of premium wine.

    You and so many other fanfic writers —MMHS, Texanlady, the ladies that have submitted their own one-shots in the FF HEA contest —all you are the silver and gold linings to this very, very dark cloud that is called DEA.

    I’m going through all the writers I’ve “favored” over the years and slowly converting their completed stories into Word documents so that I have some of the best of the best fanfic out there to soothe me when I think of this betrayal by the SVM Maker.

    I’m starting with a lot of the older writers –Terri Botta, Meg2, Pretty Pretty, Leia1912, FDM, Ehee —all the greats. So many women found Fanfic writing as a way to get them through a rough patch in their lives. Once their lives became their own again, they, unfortunately, no longer needed the outlet of Fanfic. But I intend to preserve those as well as the newest –such as yours. Always yours. You’re top shelf lady —
    and I’ll always jump to your site the moment I get a “ping” that there is an update to your stories.

    Thanks so much –it’s like I’ve been “waiting to exhale” since I’ve gotten the bad news and now….I can breathe easy again!

    Best! Pat

  10. southgatrubie75 says:

    LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! I can tell this is going to be EPIC!! Thank you for giving us a version worthy of our lovers! Oh btw, I do the song thing too, I have a rather large Eric&Sookie playlist 😉

  11. duckbutt60 says:

    One of the things I always wondered why CH didn’t use (but now we know why –she always wanted Sam as the HEA) was that Sookie wasn’t just human. Why not use the fact that Sookie is a bona-fide fae princess and not totally human as a way to void the contract Appius negotiated? She’s royalty in her blood; the vampires become royalty by overthrowing their competition –they’re not born to royalty –so that makes her superior to any vamp “royalty” — Oh well, wonder if using that “card” would work now. After all, Naill has sealed fae, but in the books he keeps coming back like a bad penny –so why can’t he come back again? If he told Eric about the CD to test him to see if he would pressure Sookie to use it to wish away the marriage contract –and Eric didn’t –he wouldn’t do that to her –do you think Naill would be willing to intervene since “the vampire loves her”?


  12. momzombie says:

    Go get him Sookie! If she could rescue Bill, I’m sure she can rescue Eric. I hope Pam and Karin help her out.

  13. duckbutt60 says:

    And. (I can’t seem to shut up now) now that Sam is gone, her rapist/stalker/neighbor will be nosing around, skulking in her woods….making an annoying jackass of himself. I hope you have a very satisfying way of dealing with “him”…..

  14. sabigr says:


  15. alh1971 says:

    Oh God, this is awesome-a perfect counterbalance to the disappointment CH has written. Thank you!

  16. sinder290 says:

    Excellent…love this. Sookie needed a kick in the pants….entirely believable stream of thought. Thanks for taking this approach and giving us a viable alternative to the last SVM book. Looking forward to seeing how Sookie finagles her way into OK and gets Eric out.

  17. vikinggirlji says:

    WOOO HOOO!!!!!

    Does this mean you will be taking over from SHE WHO WILL NO BE NAMED, and continuing the series??? This is sooooooooooooooooo much better. I love it!!!!

  18. pk22477 says:

    I loved it. Thank you for this awesome version. I can’t wait for more. I hope you continue this.

  19. ericluver says:

    What sinder290 said. I love this. I want more NOW. I’ll take just about anything fanfic and you wonderful authors have to offer that is not DEA or CH.

  20. Judy says:

    *jaw drops* *drools* Thank you so much for writing this!! See, I got my little email alert & clicked just to see your hilarious quips & Skarporn, and BOOM, just like that, I’m back into E&S fan fiction. Betcha didn’t know you were a miracle worker, eh? Just out of curiosity, do you turn water into wine, cause if you do, I could use a little something something while I do my celebratory/Elaine dance. I’m just saying.

    Thanks again.


  21. ciarajazzy says:

    Now that’s what I’m talking about yep yep yep.

    Tell me Is Taken finished or just on hold while you genius fixes clusterfucks?

    Please don’t tell me CH is trying to justify her book (s) to her fan base- thats is desperate

  22. kleannhouse says:

    love Duckbutt’s comments, its all true…. love the new story thanks for sharing Kristie

  23. Mindy says:

    It can be fixed, yes!!! If only CH could fix it…doesn’t look like it (but we have you 🙂 I’m glad Sookie took her head out of her ass. I can’t wait to read more.

  24. millarca21 says:

    Finding this story has made me feel better than I have in days. To know that you are writing a HEA for our couple has improved my mood immensely.

    I love the story so far. It’s wonderful to see Sookie regaining the qualities that made her so likeable in the beginning, and you are improving her by making her more mature and less self-absorbed, and able to see her own failings. And to see her decide to fight for her man or die trying made me positively beam with pride for her. And I like what you’ve done with Karin, too.

  25. judy says:

    thank you for this. I have to say I’ve been trying to find a better option than the poor quality ending of the series. Love your stories and am excited for this.

  26. ilovevikings says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im loving that so many of my fave FF authors are fixing the huge “fuck you” that CH graced her readers with.. I stopped reading her “filler” after book 10 and turned to FF, and I have never been happier! You rock kjwrit!

  27. MsStitcher says:

    Wahoo!!! That is the Sookie that we know and love! The Sookie that will fight tooth and nail for HER Eric!!!

  28. kittyinaz says:

    Thanks for this uplifting story. Since anything that is not the trash spewed by that evil money grubbing so called ‘maker’ is enough to make me jump on it! The fact it is you? Oml, made me happier! Thanks!

  29. estrella75 says:

    weee! for all the shit she does that pisses me off in the books, I still love it when Sook actually manages to get up and kick some ass. That girl can take a whoopin.

  30. Heather Yoak says:

    Excited for more!!

  31. Loftin says:

    Love it! Yes, bring on our HEA..please and thank you. Lol
    I know I know…I’m way too excited but screw it. I’m happy you’re fixing things. I haven’t read the last few books and refuse to even think about going there but I have heard about its contents. I think I’m more of a ff girl. Thanks for feeding my need.

  32. OposKneg says:

    Are you guys telling me its going to be Sam, the dog? The dog on the bed, Sam? I saw the first True Blood and went out and found the books. I can’t tell you how many times I reread certain parts…Yikes, Yippie, Yum… over and over again. I might as well have highlighted Eric’s name in the book those pages were…worn out.

    My dirty secret is the cover of Entertainment weekly with the 3 stars naked covered in blood is still propped up in my closet, I can only see one of them though….sigh.

    Do I really want to read the last book? I’m not so sure. Maybe I’ll just stay here and happy in my ignorance.

    Layer it on thick, KJWrit!

  33. theladykt says:

    Cant wait to see where you take this

  34. christicdc says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. I was so upset reading the spoilers. I just couldn’t believe CH would do that for Sookie and Eric. I mean what was the point to all those books it certainly was not a happy ending. I love your writing and I know you will do a great job. I’m really hoping Pam and Karin help Sookie out. The only thing I can think of to do is kill Oklahoma or use her Princess title but the title part might be too late. I can’t wait for Eric to see her again. He will be so surprised. So looking forward to your next chapter. You are doing all of us a great service fixing what CH fucked up!

  35. Rebecca says:

    Nice !! Thank you for this now I have hope that Eric and Sooks are gonna be together lol!! (well I hope) Anywho can’t wait for the next chapter!!! GO KSA SOOKIE!!

  36. loretta412 says:

    i refuse to read that that book I hope she can get eric back to me it will always be eric and sookie someone should turn her like pam or her sister so she can get her man back cant wait for next chapter

  37. redjane12 says:

    Brilliant! Can’t wait to see Sookie take charge and kick ass with her fairy princess powers. That’ll be a good chance for redemption for those times she doubted Eric’s feelings for her and her own too…

  38. crinfausta says:

    It’s amazing! CH should take a few lessons from you or more…

  39. Yea! Yes Yes Yes! Let’s get Eric back!

  40. *waits for chapter 2 to hit my inbox *

    *next time I won’t be waiting to read it *

    *should know better by now *

  41. maxie730 says:

    CH has left the building….This is the REAL HEA. Can’t wait for more!

  42. sweetmg says:

    Oh shit! Bring on the rainbows and unicorns … KJWrit is on the case now!!! THANK GOD!!

  43. Cari says:

    The begining is awersome. Go on. This is what I want to see: Sookie stubborn and strong and don’t mind if Eric remember her or not. This is the right choice. If he Know what is doing Sookie, Freyda Know as well cause the bond blood between Freyda and Eric (this is the cause of broke bond Blood between Sookie and Eric before Sookie made before commmand her to do it)

  44. Anaman says:

    Oh yes that’s why I love fanfictions! And that’s why you, writer and author, are our savior when the real author messed up so shamefully!
    I am so curious to see how Sookie will move her ass to save Eric!

    Thank you!!

  45. gwynwyvar says:

    Waited to read DEA before reading this. Now I am eager for my funk to be turned upside down! Thanks for writing this!

  46. gallega97 says:

    Since I stop reading the Sookie books after the Appius showed up, and read the BS reviews for the last book, I can’t tell you how much I am loving this story! Just the thought that our sexy, charismatic, powerful, loyal Viking will be owned by someone makes me sick to my stomach!!! Cant’ wait for more.

  47. luvvamps says:

    You are fixing my broken heart, For that I thank you,
    Best line…………all of it would be for my Eric.

  48. Hayat says:

    Oh Thanks you, thank you!!! This is the pick-me-up i needed after that disaster called, DEA.

  49. Hell yes! Hell hath no fury like a southern woman scorned. I’m so glad you’re writing the HEA we didn’t get. I chose not to even read the final book. The last few were bad enough.

  50. itsamia71 says:

    So I’ve been a fail with this story, but I’m here now!! Things are pretty shit, but at least Sookie is starting to be honest with herself & regain her fire & fight. I love how you have written Karin.

  51. Awesome!!! GO ON TEAM ERIC!!!

  52. yay! go supersookie!!! thank you so much for writing this. it will always be what i consider to be the TRUE ending for eric + sookie. i bow before your awesomeness, kjwrit. x

  53. hartvixen123 says:

    I haven’t read DEA. I actually haven’t read past DAG. When DITF came out, I was working too much to have much free time to read and then I stumbled upon some spoliers so I kind of lost the zest to finish the series. I will probably end up finishing all the books eventually, but for now I’m looking forward to seeing how you fix what CH left behind. I know you will do a much better job. I love your writing. Can’t wait to see what Sookie is planning.

  54. JulieV says:

    I finally am trying to read a HEA story. I really did not like Sookie at the end of the series and though I hated how Eric was treated, I thought he would eventually be better off. I hope your story can make me start to regain some love for the characters. I lost what was left of it when Sookie imitated a southern preacher and used the Cluviel Dor. I like the first chapter because Sam is gone. I never liked him, he was selfish and only changed when forced to- see above comment about southern preacher. Anyway, if anyone can write a good HEA it will be you. Thank You for work, I enjoy it very much.

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