Damn it Eric!!

You guuuyyyysss…

Like I told MissRon80, I’m feeling all blushy and aww-shucksy right now. Thank you to everyone who voted period, no matter who they voted for, because our fandom could use all of the life support it can get.

And I want to send out a special THANKS! to 4padfoot for doing all that she’s done for no other reason than her love of our fandom. That’s a special gal.

Congratulations to all of the winners!

You Want Blood Awards


The two saxon vampire guards heard screeching and crashing from inside the room they were set to guard.  After turning to look at each other they hear a female yell.

“Damn it, Eric! They have already left.  They are not expecting to come back until the 29th.”  the voice is heard as the saxons wonder what is going on.  CRASH!   “You … you… you…you killed my laptop…my brand new laptop!!!”

The door is opened and the viking’s head peeks out the door.  “Get everyone back here now!” Then he promptly slams the door.

“How are we suppose to do that?” they stated together as they glance down the hallway where the ladies had left 5 hours ago.

“Well, hello again everyone seems Eric was impatient and decided to surprise everyone as soon as I finished the banners today.” the woman glared at him as he stood to the…

View original post 320 more words

18 comments on “Damn it Eric!!

  1. msbuffy says:

    Congratulations to you on another banner year! Wow! Yes, we do like you, we really like you! 🙂 Keep ’em comin’!

    • kjwrit says:

      Thank you so much!

      Not only was it unexpected, but it was a great reminder that I should get back to working on The Debt, lol. *hangs blushy-aww-shucksy head in shame*

      • msbuffy says:

        Bask in the glow for awhile! It’s well earned! We can wait… No shame! You’re a busy woman! 🙂

  2. askarsgirl says:

    So happy to see you and your stories recognized, you totally deserve it. Congratulations!!

  3. svmlover1378 says:

    Congrats! You deserve it!!!

  4. missron80 says:

    Alas you could not win ALL the awards. Plus, could not be nominated for every story. Such a shame. All In is STILL my fave….and it’s flip-side. 🙂

    • kjwrit says:

      I just happened to be working on a new chapter of The Flip Side the other day, so you might get that soon.

      And I got another jury selection notice in the mail the other day and jury duty is what I was stuck doing when I first started All In, so of course it made an All In plot bunny hop into my brain.

      See how much I 💓 you? 🙂

  5. kleannhouse says:

    congratulation on your wins. KY

  6. tbfmia says:

    Congrats!!!!!!!! You more than deserve it I love your stories

  7. rainey girl says:

    Woo hoo!! Congrats on your wins! Totally deserved recognition for your stories 😀

  8. Rayne says:


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